MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Upcoming Events

Update from Mil-wigs

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You may recall the dialogue the students engaged in this fall regarding our dress code.  Since that time, our SCA has taken the issue up and has begun to consider updates to our code to ensure that is remains in line with contemporary standards of dress for a public setting.  The group is led by […]

Successful Budget Town Hall

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A successful budget town hall meeting was held last evening.  It was wonderful to see so many community members turn out and there were some new faces among the attendees! In addition to demystifying certain aspects of the budget process and clearing up some issues via question/answer, the community shared their thoughts in terms of […]

Budget Town Hall Public Comment Period

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Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014                      Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm Location: MLWGS Auditorium The Budget Development Town Hall public comment period shall not exceed eighty (80) minutes. Each speaker will be allotted three (3) minutes to make his/her comments. Individuals representing groups will be allotted five (5) minutes. At the discretion of the Chairman or his/her representative, time […]

Budget Town Hall Reminder

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Please be gently reminded of our Budget Town Hall meeting to be held on 3 December 2014 in the MLWGS Auditorium from 6-7:30pm.  If you wish to speak or ask a question(s) at the town hall, please sign up in advance by contacting our Board Clerk (Ms. Barbara Marshall) at 804-354-6800 x2190 (voice mail) or […]

Message Regarding Ferguson, Missouri

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The following message was proffered this morning to our school community as part of our morning announcement protocol. “In light of the recent grand jury verdict in Ferguson, Missouri, I thought it pertinent to recognize the significance of events there. As a laboratories of democracy, schools should provide space for varieties of views to co-exist […]

Strategic Planning Update

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I am writing to provide an update on the progress of our strategic planning committee.  As you may recall, we have assembled a committee of 18 that originate from every stakeholder group including students, school board, superintendent, school administration, teacher, counselor, alumni, PTSA, School Advisory Council, and foundation.  The group has invested more than 20 […]

Budget Town Hall Reminder

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We are planning to host a Budget Town Hall meeting on 3 December 2014 from 6-7:30pm in the MLWGS auditorium.  The purpose of the meeting is to capture input from our community regarding our FY16 budget.  In response to a few questions I have received, the guidance below is offered. When considering fiscal priorities in […]

Brief Update from Mil-wigs

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This week saw the Dragons close out student recruiting with our Information Forums on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings delivered by our faculty to standing room only audiences from the region.  Our assessment days are in January 2015, followed by admission notification in March 2015 for the MLWGS class of 2019.  Interest in our school […]

Fall Sports and Budget Town Hall

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For most people, when Maggie Walker is mentioned, brains rather than brawn comes to mind, but our students are making the mind-body connection again this year.  Fall sports teams are making waves locally and sending ripples around the state.  Our volleyball teams have spiked their way to regional tournament, and field hockey and girls and […]

Budget Town Hall

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I am writing to invite your engagement in discussion around our FY16 budget.  Over the past two years we have captured budget input via school board work sessions and last year also employed a budget committee made up of community members.  For the upcoming budget cycle, we plan to supplement our work sessions with a […]