MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News
The Class of 2024

Resources from our Foundation, PTSA, and Booster Groups enable students to engage in curricular and co- and extra-curricular opportunities beyond that which are typically available in high school. 

Such opportunities include an expansive slate of dual-enrollment university and AP courses; AP assessments; local, state, national, and international learning experiences; notable speakers; contemporary equipment and technology; athletic enhancements, etc.

MLWGS Foundation

Maggie Walker Governor’s School is fortunate to have a non-profit 501c3 created solely to support and enhance academic enrichment opportunities at Maggie Walker.  The MLWGS Foundation directly underwrites things like academic competitions, student travel, as well as new technology, and student aid.  The MLWGS Foundation also serves to keep our growing alumni connected to the school, its current students, and the RVA community.

By supporting the Governor’s School Foundation Annual Fund Campaign you will deepen the academic experiences of our students, and continue to foster the Maggie Walker legacy of academic excellence.

The mission of the MLWGS Foundation

In partnership with alumni, parents, grandparents, businesses, and other generous community members, the MLWGS Foundation cultivates resources to enhance the educational experience of ALL students at MLWGS.

To learn more about the MLWGS Foundation visit