MLWGS will be on a 2-hour delayed opening on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Stayed tuned for updates.

AP Exams Online Registration

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Follow these steps to complete the registration, payment, and confirmation process:

  • Register for the tests you plan to take at
  • Select your payment method: Check (made out to “MLWGS”), cash, or online payment at (convenience fee applies)
  • Turn in your confirmation ticket to the Counseling Office during the designated times between February 20th and 22nd. Students should attach their payment or online payment receipt to their confirmation ticket. A member of the counseling team will review the registration form and payment with each student.

When registering through Total Registration please be sure to select all of your exams and the appropriate teachers. If everything is correct, click “Confirm your Registration“. This will record your registration and display the confirmation page or “ticket”. When you reach the confirmation ticket, print two copies, one for your records and the other to return to school with your payment or online payment receipt. The Counseling Office will collect these items between 11:30 and 3:30 on February 20th, 21st, and 22nd. This year, students will have the option to pay fees through the MLWGS payment system or turn in a check or cash by the same date and time. Each AP exam costs $94.00 and must be paid for before we order exams. A fee waiver or reduction is available for families that meet certain guidelines but must be approved in advance. Please see Dr. Loving in the School Counseling office by Friday, February 15th to inquire about a fee waiver.