MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Upcoming Events

Follow up–Strategic Planning Town Hall–Follow up

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At our Strategic Planning Town Hall held on the evening of the 24th of March, the committee heard from speakers who offered comments and posed some questions.  The feedback has been captured and will be thoughtfully considered as we tweak the plan for presentation to the Board on 16 April 2015.  The next opportunity for […]

Grandparents and Special Friends

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MLWGS grandparents and special friends of the family, including aunts, uncles, godparents, and neighbors, are invited to attend the fourth annual Grandparents and Special Friends Day on Friday, Apr. 17.  This popular event, sponsored by the Governor’s School Foundation, will run from 2:00 – 3:45 pm.  All attendees will be invited to hear a presentation […]

MLWGS to Moody’s Math Challenge

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Out of 1128 papers submitted, a team from Math Modeling has been chosen in the top 6 to compete for the national Moody’s Math Challenge prize.  The 5 students are guaranteed to win at least $2500 and if they win 1st place they will receive $4000 scholarships each.  They will be traveling to NYC on […]

MLWGS BoB Squad Among World’s Best!

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A website that ranks quiz bowl and academic teams by their statistical performances at various tournaments, aims to give an accurate look at the skill levels of quiz bowl teams in the United States, Canada, China and Singapore. The publisher recently wrote “the quiz bowl team from Maggie Walker is currently ranked 10th in […]

Class of 2015 “Senior Letter”

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As we move toward graduation day for the class of 2015, for ready reference interested folks can open the link to our “Senior Letter” which lists main events as well as information pertinent to the graduation ceremony.  Go Dragons!   Senior Letter 2015  


Posted on The SABR Diamond Dollars Case Competition pits undergraduate students from colleges and universities across the country against each other in an analytic major league baseball operations decision — the type of decision a team’s general manager and staff is faced with over the course of a season.   The teams presented their analysis and recommendations […]

Strategic Planning Town Hall, Tuesday 24 March 6-8pm in the MLWGS Forum

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As you may recall, we have been working hard to develop our first self-authored strategic plan.  Prior to this juncture it was necessary to closely follow VDOE guidelines as our school moved through its developmental stages:  TJ (1991-2001) and MLWGS (2001-present).  Having fulfilled the initial anticipation of our potential and on behalf of our former, […]

Class of 2015 Events and Information Leading to Graduation

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Dear Parents of the Class of 2015, It is hard to believe that graduation is only a few months away. It is even harder to believe that these past four years have flown by so quickly.   While I have only been the class sponsor for this past year, it has truly been my pleasure to […]

Off Campus Lunch For Seniors

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Because our extended schedule has reduced the number of minutes for lunch on Fridays, off campus lunch for seniors has been moved to Thursdays until further notice.  Bon Appe’tit!

Updated Snow Day Make-up Plan

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In light of the additional school days missed due to inclement weather (5th and 6th of March) it is necessary that we lengthen the duration of our extended school day protocol.  Our student day will thus begin at 8:35am and conclude at 3:20pm through May 22nd.  This approach keeps us in line with state guidelines […]