10/27/24 Sunday Night Update


MLWGS will be closed Friday November 1st in observance of the Diwali holiday.  School will also be closed on Monday November 4th for Parent/Teacher Conferences and on Tuesday November 5th for Election Day.  School will re-open on Wednesday November 6th

Parent/Teacher Conferences:  Monday, November 4th

Fall conferences with teachers will again be held via Zoom this year.  Please use the links below to secure a conference with your student’s teacher.  The forms will remain open until midnight on Wednesday, October 30th.  

Session 1:  Noon – 3pm | https://bit.ly/Fall24-Session1

Session 2:  4-7pm | https://bit.ly/Fall24-Session2

Zoom Meeting links for all conferences will be sent to you in the next Sunday Night Update on November 3rd.

If you have any technical questions regarding the process, please contact MWTech:  [email protected]

If you are unable to secure a conference time with your student’s teacher, please contact them directly.


On Thursday, October 31st, Maggie Walker will host a special day of school-wide programming, a Civility Day, during our extended lunch/Dragon Advisory period. Each class will attend a presentation and activities by a guest speaker from 11:50-12:20. Students should eat lunch prior to the presentations.

Speakers will be addressing the question, “What does Civility mean in my profession?”

Freshmen will meet in the Black Box. Dr. Levenson, Vice Chair of Psychiatry at VCU, will present.

Sophomores will meet in the Cafeteria to hear a presentation by Vance Richards, the former chief of police for Virginia Union University.

Juniors will meet in the Gym where Elder Hampton-Duggar, a local church leader, will present.

Seniors will meet in Auditorium to hear a presentation by VCU School of the Arts Professor Hope Ginsburg, a project-based artist.”


The Mech Tech Dragons will be hosting a FIRST Lego League tournament for local elementary and middle school teams on November 17th.   In order for the event to go smoothly, there is a need for community members (engineers, artists, business owners, etc.) to spend the day with teams and serve as competition judges.   Training is provided and no previous experience is required to be a judge.  If you are available and willing to serve as a judge for the event OR would like more information, please reach out to the event directors – Cheryl Kaplan ([email protected]) or Mark Sailer ([email protected])

Attention Juniors & Seniors!

Please see the link below if you are interested in applying to the TJ History Honor Society: 


All applications for Juniors and Seniors are due by Monday, November 11th by 3:30 p.m. Please see Mrs. Voight or Ms. Lee if you have any questions.


Are you a history enthusiast and want to show off your impressive skills? The Thomas Jefferson History Honor Society is hosting jeopardy for the freshmen class on November 6th in the forum. Five individuals will face off in a fierce and fun competition! The winner will receive a gift card and endless glory. Sign up using the link below. Contact co-presidents Simone Spalding or Alexis Paraschiv with any questions! 


AP Exam Fee Payment

Attention Advanced Placement (AP) students and their parents: AP exam fees were incorporated into student fees this year. We realize that AP exam fees can be costly and may need additional time for payment. As announced earlier in the school year, families may pace themselves through paying for AP exams through November 1st. Beginning November 2nd, the $40 College Board late fee will be applied.

All details about AP exam ordering and the timeline leading up to May testing can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hlRy5aJqGrIL4rzVlf8MbMvnCA2cWqgt/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107178821893099947385&rtpof=true&sd=true

Class of 2025

Herff Jones is coming to MLWGS on Tuesday, October 29 during lunch in the auditorium to collect measurements for graduation caps and gowns.   They are also planning to share information for ordering announcements and other graduation-related items.  This is a mandatory meeting for seniors since the representative will only be on campus at the start of lunch to gather information before leaving.  Please come to the auditorium immediately after your 3rd block class.  

Reach out to Ms. Sheppard (graduation coordinator) or Ms Love (class sponsor) with any questions.

Security Corner

Last chance for Lost and Found, Concessions, and Fall Fest items!  All items will be removed October 31!

National English Honor Society

The $25 National English Society fee for NEW members is due 31 October 2024. No late payments are accepted. More details to follow for the induction! Email Ms. LeCroy or Mr. Coleman if you have any questions. 

Volunteers needed for Diwali Celebration

The PTSA would like to share a volunteer opportunity for Wednesday, October 30th at lunchtime in the Commons as we help host a Diwali Celebration for the students! There are opportunities to donate food items or volunteer your time at school to facilitate this fun event. Visit the Sign-Up Genius link below to participate:


Photo Opt Out

October was a busy month – and we caught it all on film!  The PTSA would like to share a link to photos of students at the Fall Festival performing on stage and working in their booths, and of those who attended Homecoming, as we captured them on the red carpet as they arrived.   If you would like to OPT OUT of photos of your student being shared, please email: [email protected]   We are so happy to help make these memories for our students!

I want to end tonight with sort of a long quote that I found by Kent Keith.  Please bear with me, I think it is worth it. 

“People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.” 

Have a great evening and GO DRAGONS!

Director’s Blog

View Sunday Evening Updates by Dr. Robert C. Lowerre for this academic year.

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