Good evening, Dragon Nation.
While Dr. Lowerre is on medical leave, I will serve as Acting Director, with Dr. Williams as the Director’s Designee. We have temporarily divided all administrative duties. Over the next month, please contact me or Dr. Williams if you need to speak with an administrator. Please join me in wishing Dr. Lowerre a speedy recovery.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Smith
(804) 354-6800 x2120
Snow Day Recovery Time
Dear Parents,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to inform you that April 18, originally scheduled as a teacher professional development, will now be an instructional day (all blocks). As we strive to maximize learning opportunities for our students, it’s important that we make up any lost instructional time. Due to the number of snow days we’ve had this winter, we need to adjust our schedule to stay in compliance with Virginia Code requirements for instructional hours.
If there are further snow days, we will continue to provide virtual learning opportunities. We are closely monitoring the snowstorm expected on 2/20.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we make this adjustment. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Black History Month Events–Calendar Changes
Frederick Douglass was the man! Like Maggie Lena Walker, he used his voice, his intellect, and his influence to take a stand!
Mr. Piersol’s Zoom Presentation, Wednesday, February 19th
Anyone miss Mr. Piersol’s enthusiasm, his bright smile, his winning personality? If so, you are invited to the Forum on Wednesday, February 19th during lunch for his Zoom presentation on Frederick Douglass. Come and hear all about Mr. Piersol’s Taylor Teaching Award travels throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland, as he traced the international journey of our nation’s most famous 19th century African American freedom fighter!
Open Mic, Thursday, February 21st
Did you know that Frederick Douglass, famous orator, was Maggie Walker’s contemporary? Like Maggie Walker, he used his voice to promote change. Both Douglass and Walker believed that words and knowledge were powerful tools. On Thursday, February 13th during lunch in the library, you are invited to share your voice. Come and share poetry and prose about courage, freedom, or change. You are welcome to read your work or the work of a famous writer of your choice. Heart-shaped donuts will be served!
Attention Sophomores and Juniors!
Are you interested in joining National Honor Society? Fill out THIS pre-application by Monday, February 24th at 11:59pm to be considered for membership. If accepted, you will have the opportunity to be involved in the service parts of NHS (such as serving as a freshmen mentor) before being inducted in the fall. Students eligible for the “Pre-Application” should have a 3.5 weighted GPA (after the first semester of the current academic year*), be on-track with their service hours (at least 50 hours sophomores and 85 hours for juniors logged into x2vol by the application deadline) and have zero honor violations. While not a requirement, we encourage all sophomore applicants to consider participating in “Dragon Advisory,” a student-led freshman mentoring program during their junior year with training requirements before the start of the school year. Those accepted through the “pre-application” process WILL NOT have to complete the regular application published in September of 2025, but WILL need to attend the mandatory induction ceremony in early October. Direct questions to Ms. Ndayizigiye ( or Dr. Loving ( the NHS Co-Sponsors.
Note: If you are not sure whether your weighted, cumulative mid-year GPA is at or above a 3.5, please contact Lucas Veale at or visit him in counseling lobby. This GPA includes an additional semester from the one visible to students in PowerSchool.
Mu Alpha Theta Guest Speaker Series
Mu Alpha Theta is proud to announce our second guest speaker of the year: Dr. Laura Taalman of James Madison University will be giving a talk on Friday, February 21, 2025, from 3:30 to 4:45 in the Forum. Her presentation is on “Interactive Patterns: Using math and code to optimize crafts.” Dr. Taalman will discuss a range of topics from knot theory to the fiber arts as well as the use of code, 3D printing, and vintage punch card knitting machines to create pattern-generation tools and physical models that illustrate and clarify the underlying mathematics. She’ll also talk about the ups and downs of the design process, and the challenges that arise when intersecting mathematics, technology, and crafting.
Laura Taalman is a Professor of Mathematics at James Madison University who combines research interests in knot theory, games, puzzles, and patterns in her academic and artistic pursuits. Also known as “mathgrrl”, Dr. Taalman has created and shared hundreds of digital 3D-printable models, and she has published a large collection of articles and tools to help others get started with digital fabrication technologies. Dr. Taalman’s recent work centers on mathematical pattern generation within the domain of fiber arts, including knitting, crochet, vintage punch card knitting machines, and loom weaving. She has been featured on Thingiverse, Adafruit, and Science Friday.
Dr. Taalman is an excellent speaker, and students who love math+art will especially find her talk worthwhile!
Please Review with your Child- Procedures on late arrivals and early dismissals
Student Handbook page 18
Late Arrivals
1) Students arriving after 8:40 a.m. should check in the attendance office.
(Student parking lot doors will be locked at 8:40 A.M.)
2) Students must bring a note signed by a parent/guardian, dentist or doctor for the tardy to be
“excused.” An admittance tardy permit will be issued to the student; a copy is maintained in the
attendance office.
3) If the tardy is “unexcused” the same procedure as above will apply.
Early Dismissals
1) Requests for check-out/early dismissal are handled by the attendance office.
2) The parent/guardian must provide a note with a daytime phone number where they can be contacted during the day to verify the appointment.
3) Students should present the note to the attendance secretary by 8:30 A.M. and to the teacher at the time of dismissal. The teacher will allow the student to go to the attendance office, where the clerk will verify the early dismissal, and the student will “sign out.”
4) Students will not be released to a non-custodial parent without the custodial parent’s permission.
5) Students will not be exempted from attending independent study or tutorials. Excessive tardiness or unexcused absences will result in an office referral.
6) Presenting a false or forged note will result in disciplinary action.
7) Failure to follow appropriate procedures for checking in/out of school will result in disciplinary action.
VHSL Regional Scholastic Bowl Victory
Congratulations to the Maggie Walker Quiz Bowl team, who hosted and won the VHSL Regional Scholastic Bowl tournament on Monday! Brenden Stremler led Katie Watson, Bladen Kidd, and Bridget Finley in an undefeated evening. The tournament ran smoothly with the help of many student volunteers, quizmasters from the VCU Quiz Bowl team, Mr. Cottrell, Ms. Forquer, Ms. Lasswell, and Coach Hawkins. The team heads to the State Championship on 3/1! If you’d like to see the team in action, you can tune into the Battle of the Brains on 2/22 at 10am on CBS 6.
Security Corner:
PLEASE secure your property! DO NOT leave book bags, electronics, lunch boxes, water bottles, chargers etc. lying around unattended. Ensure that your valuables are either left at home, kept on your person, or locked in a locker. DO NOT leave them unattended!
Locks are available from coaching and athletic staff. Please borrow a lock if you cannot afford one. PE teachers, the Activities Director, and Security would be happy to store your bag in their office for a class period.
Parent Teacher Book Discussion
We are inviting parents to join us for a first ever activity: a community book discussion. Together we will read and discuss excerpts from Carol Dweck’s Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. We will explore, with collaborative activities, ways that we can consistently and collectively support students by encouraging them to view mistakes and challenges as opportunities to grow, focusing on progress, rather than striving for perfection.
If you would like to join us to explore this topic, please use this link to RSVP by February 21st.
Here are the important details about this event:
- We will meet on March 3rd from 6 to 7:30 PM in room 204.
- There is no need to bring any supplies.
- We will provide pizza, drinks, and dessert!
We hope you will join us!
For more information, click here
PTSA LOVES our Dragons!
Thank you to our Dragon Community for your support of the PTSA! Recently, your yearly membership dues have allowed us to support teachers and students with appreciation events such as lunches and treats before the holidays, holiday gift cards for every teacher and staff member and a breakfast buffet for staff in January.
There is still more to do in the remainder of the school year! For example, in February your dues will go towards a potato bar from Texas Roadhouse for staff to enjoy. There is still time to join the PTSA this school year. Your $25 dues will directly support these events for teachers and students.
Join the PTSA Today via this link:
Textbook Public Comment
Prospective textbooks for AP US History and AP African American studies will be placed in the library for community review. These will be in the library for members of the community to evaluate starting on Monday January 27th up through Feb. 27th.
Prospective textbooks and workbooks for Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Spanish 3, and Spanish 4 have been placed in the library for community review. These will be in the library for members of the community to evaluate from Wednesday, February 5 to March 5.
Reading, ’riting … and romance? When Maggie Walker picks up Cupid’s bow
The second issue of the Foundation’s new newsletter focuses on love at MLWGS and lots of other fun school happenings. If you didn’t get it via email on Thursday, you can enjoy it (and December’s issue) here. The newsletter is currently only going to the primary email on each account in the Foundation database. Please share :). We hope to have all emails added before the next issue in April.
Spring Sports
All students who plan to try out for spring sports that start on March 4th (UPDATE), you will need a completed packet turned into Ms. Hawkins at as PDF file.
Night of the Dragon Tickets Now on Sale–with Early Bird Pricing!
Now’s the best time to purchase tickets for the 20th Annual Night of the Dragon!
The Night of the Dragon Auction is one of the highlights of the year for Dragon parents (past and present), staff, and alumni.
Get your tickets now for this fun-filled event and MLWGS’ single largest annual fundraiser.
The evening includes Live and Silent Auctions, dinner, drinks, student entertainment, and more.
When purchasing tickets, be sure to buy your beads for Heads & Tails and consider also purchasing a Thank a Teacher Ticket(s).
Can’t attend the event? Register on the site to bid from anywhere. All proceeds benefit our amazing Dragon and their incredible teachers.
This year’s line up of amazing Live and Silent Auction items, includes:
* Vacation home stays
* Lunch with the Mayor
* Reserved seats for MLWGS graduation
* Theater and event tickets
* One-of-a-kind art and jewelry
* Our ever-popular themed gift baskets
* And so much more!
Night of the Dragon Auction Items Still Needed
The Night of the Dragon Auction committee is looking for items for this year’s auction, which is set for Saturday, March 22.
Don’t think you have anything to offer–you may be surprised. Think about things you give or do for friends and family. Check out a fun list of great ideas here.
Some of our most popular items each year include unique experiences hosted by MLWGS families and friends, event tickets, vacation home rentals, unique artwork, lessons of all types, local adventures, and items from Dragon-family owned businesses and fave spots—GET CREATIVE!
Ready to donate? Here’s the online donation form. Or contact Ginger O’Neil at
“To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try.” — Rosa Parks