3/2/25 Sunday Night Update

Admin Dec 2024

Good evening, Dragon Nation.

At the MLWGS Regional School Board meeting on February 27th, the board voted to extend the current leadership structure for the remainder of the year.  I will continue as Acting Director with Dr. Williams as Director’s Designee through June 30.  A search for a Director will begin in March with a start date of July 1.  Dr. Williams and I plan to honor Dr. Lowerre’s legacy through stability, continuity, and finishing the year strong.  Thank you all for your support messages and kind words of confidence through one of my most challenging administrative weeks.

Best Wishes,
Dr. Smith
Acting Director

Seeking Public Comment on the 2025-2026 Proposed School Operating Budget

During the MLWGS Regional School Board meeting, the acting director presented a proposal for the 2025-2026 academic year operating budget.

The Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School Administration, in conjunction with the Superintendent’s Steering Committee and the Finance Steering Committee (comprised of the Chief Financial Officers from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Powhatan, and Richmond) worked to finalize this operating budget proposal.

The AY26 budget proposal and executive summary can be viewed here, created on baseline financial data received from the VDOE to date, but subject to change with the upcoming conclusion/adoption of the Virginia General Assembly State budget with the Governor’s signature of approval. 

Persons wishing to submit their feedback to the Regional School Board regarding the proposed FY26 operating budget may use this link to submit their remarks or email them to the Board Clerk by Wednesday, March 19, 2025, @ 10:00 am.  A separate comment form will be created for other matters before the board at their March meeting. 

Course Registration for 2025-2026 School Year (RESCHEDULED)

Course Registration will take place on Wednesday, March 10th during 1st period. Students will need to have a parent signature and teacher signatures for dual enrollment, plus, pre-AP, AP, and Intensive courses to enter course request into PowerSchool. If a student is not able enter their request on March 10th, there will be a makeup opportunity on Friday, March 17th in room 318. Please reach out to your child’s counselor if you have any questions.

Youth Art and Music Month Event- Thursday March 6th
Do you love art and music?  Then March is the month for you!  Youth Art and Music Month helps to raise awareness of the importance of the Visual and Performing Arts in education.  Maggie Walker Governor’s School will be celebrating with a student art and music extravaganza Thursday March 6th from 5:45pm – 8:30pm.  Beautiful student artwork will be on display while our talented musicians perform throughout the evening.  This event is free and open to everyone, so please join us and help celebrate Youth Art and Music Month Thursday evening in the auditorium.

Senior/College Counselors Dr. Loving and Ms. Forquer encourage you to visit their SignUp Genius links on the “College Information for the Class of 2026” Schoology page with your parents to discuss the scheduling of your individual Junior College Meeting.

Update Mu Alpha Theta Guest Speaker Series

Due to winter weather challenges, the talk by Dr. Laura Taalman of James Madison University has been postponed to Friday, MARCH 21, 2025, from 3:30 to 4:45 in the Forum.  Her presentation is on “Interactive Patterns: Using math and code to optimize crafts.”  

Textbook Public Comment

Prospective textbooks and workbooks for Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Spanish 3, and Spanish 4 have been placed in the library for community review. These will be in the library for members of the community to evaluate from Wednesday, February 5 to March 5.


Mandatory spring parent meeting on March 4, 2025 at 6:00pm  Please get the link from your child’s coach.

Night of the Dragon Auction

Get Your Night of the Dragon Tickets Now! Early Bird Pricing Extended to March 7! Ticket Sales End March 15 (or when we sell out)
Early bird pricing for the  23rd Annual Night of the Dragon has been extended for one week–until March 7. Ticket prices go up $10 on March 8 and sales end March 15 (or when we sell out).

So get your tickets now for this fun-filled event and MLWGS’ single largest annual fundraiser that includes Live and Silent Auctions, dinner, drinks, student entertainment, and more.

Can’t attend the event? Sign in and register on the site to bid from anywhere and/or purchase a ticket for a teacher. All proceeds benefit our amazing Dragon and their incredible teachers.

This year’s line up of amazing Live and Silent Auction items, includes: * Vacation home stays * Lunch with Richmond Mayor Danny Avula * Reserved seats for MLWGS graduation * Theater and event tickets * Wine for a year * Date Nights for a year * One-of-a-kind art, jewelry, and items for the home * Our ever-popular themed gift baskets * Gift certificates galore * And so much more!


“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”from The Wonder Years

Director’s Blog

View Sunday Evening Updates by Dr. Robert C. Lowerre for this academic year.

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