Student on keyboard

Attention Incoming Freshmen, Class of 2029

Skills Assessments for ALL students is scheduled for March 22nd in-person on the MLWGS campus.


The emphasis throughout the fine arts curriculum is placed on independent thinking and experiential activities.

The department establishes clear links with national and state standards while meeting the particular needs of gifted students. Instruction in the Visual and Performing Arts program emphasizes the development of literacy in each content area. For example, in studio art classes, students develop “visual literacy” by learning the particular “language” of the visual arts and producing works of art in a wide variety of art media. In addition, students have the opportunity to explore issues of aesthetics, become intelligent critics of works of art, and be exposed to practitioners of the arts so that they come to develop real-life knowledge drawn from the experiences of these individuals.

The department focuses on the interconnectedness of the disciplines within the context of interdisciplinary global concepts. It is of utmost importance that instructional strategies provide conditions in which students develop their own particular talents, recognize multiple learning styles, and respect the integrity of each student’s personal creative expression. The Visual and Performing Arts program provides a large number of students with outstanding elective courses in the arts. The department works with students who come with varying degrees of prior experience in these areas and encourages growth according to individual abilities and needs.

Courses offered may include:

  • Art I-V
  • Topics in Digital Art: Graphic Design
  • Topics in Digital Art: Computer Art
  • Topics in Photography: Photography in the Fine Arts
  • Topics in Art History
  • Darkroom Photography
  • Commercial Photography
  • Intermediate Orchestra
  • Advanced Orchestra
  • Chamber Artist Level Orchestra
  • Intermediate Band
  • Advanced Band
  • Chorus
  • Percussion Ensemble
  • AP Integrated Music Theory
  • Drama and Advanced Drama
  • Film Studies
  • Photojournalism Senior Seminar
  • Digital Video Senior Seminar
  • Music Composition and Recording Senior Seminar
  • Fashion Senior Seminar

Senior Art Show Archive