Warning Bell 8:35 A.M. Period 2 8:40-10:08 A.M. 88 min. Moment of Silence/Announcements Period 4 10:13-11:35 A.M. 82 min. Activity/Tutoring/Lunch 11:35-12:15 P.M. 40 min. Period 6 12:20-1:42 P.M. 82 min. Period 8 1:47-3:10 P.M. 83 min. Buses Depart 3:20 P.M.
Fourth Tuesday–required–These Tuesday afternoons may include a professional development presentation or workshop, a technology session, Counseling meetings, or you may use this time to work from the Year Four Resource Bank. Regardless of the activity, you are required to stay on campus.