MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News
Governor Wilder addresses students in forum October 2017


School Volunteers

Your involvement as a volunteer can make a valuable contribution to education at MLWGS. Volunteers can serve as classroom aides, athletic aides, clerical assistants in the office and library, tutors, chaperones, resource persons in a given area of expertise, and in other capacities.

Volunteers can improve the school environment, resulting in better academic and social development for students.

Information on background checks for volunteers

The safety and security of the school community is a top priority of MLWGS. For your protection and that of the students and staff, the school division conducts a check on all school personnel and volunteers with the National Sex Offender Public Website. This includes the Virginia State Police Registry of Sexual Offenders and Crimes against Minors. Anyone convicted of a misdemeanor or felony offense, especially an offense against a minor, may be disqualified from volunteering depending upon the nature of the offense, and the nature of the school volunteer activity.

To volunteer for MLWGS, please complete and present this form to room 100 (Reception).