1:1 Laptop Pilot Program for 45 Incoming Freshmen

In the Fall of the 2017-18 school year, Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School will begin a small one-to-one laptop pilot with a percentage of incoming freshmen.  The goal of the pilot is to explore the impact that having ubiquitous technology resources and Internet access would have on the instruction and learning of our gifted students. Additionally, we are constantly seeking to enhance the learning of students through the effective use of technology.   This letter is meant to provide the community with an update on the status of this initiative.

Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School is a truly unique school designed to meet the special instructional needs of gifted students. As a part of our school technology plan, we are continually evaluating the effectiveness of various instructional technologies. Specifically, instructional leaders have been asked to explore the possibility of providing equitable access to computer hardware across the entire student body (Technology Plan #5.03.08). Therefore, during the first semester of the 2017-18 school year, we have been approved to launch a small pilot to explore what impact a one-to-one laptop program might have on learning at MLWGS.   There is no predetermined outcome of this pilot.  Specifically, the pilot is designed to collect data on a variety of hardware, software, and services in order to determine which products best meet those unique instructional needs.  Additionally, with our small IT staff of two, we need to determine which products provide the management support that will allow for effective deployment and ongoing maintenance of such a program. Lastly, this pilot will act as a catalyst to deepen the conversation on establishing “clear and concise” instructional goals for a possible proposed one-to-one (1:1) program.   

This pilot calls for the deployment of three different kinds of devices to 45 students, 15 per device. This deployment would take place at the beginning of the 1st semester in 2017-18 school year and end June 2018.  In addition to hardware, this would allow us to pilot the various management systems, updated projector systems,  printers, along with ‘on-demand’ high-quality instructional content providers.  

While the deployment of devices will begin with the start of the 2017-18 school year, the process of planning began in the 2016-17 school year in order to ensure a successful outcome. Thanks to the hard work of our Technology Office, we have begun to address the wireless network which has been identified as essential for the success of any such pilot. Under the supervision of the One-to-One Pilot Advisory Committee, which is made up of stakeholders including faculty, students, parents, and administration, we are in the process of procuring the equipment, software, and services needed. Over the course of the next few months, we will continue work with the Technology Office to establish the criteria for determining candidates, specific tools that will be used to measure the effectiveness of the devices, participating faculty and student training, as well as the process of deployment.

It is our goal to engage the entire MLWGS community in this conversation. To that end, there will be multiple presentations about the pilot to the PTSA and with faculty. This letter is meant to bring the members of our current community up to speed on the pilot and its objectives.  We look forward to a productive and collaborative conversation as we initiate and move forward through this exciting process.

Our ongoing instructional technology goal is to “Create. Connections.” for our students by providing them with authentic learning opportunities where they can collaborate both locally and globally.  Members of our community can expect regular communications through the Smoke and Scales newsletter, PTSA meetings, and faculty meetings.  In the meantime, if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Jeff Hall, the Coordinator of Instructional Technology, at [email protected].  Thank you for your continuing support of our unique school and its mission.


Jeff Hall

Coordinator of Instructional Technology

Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School

[email protected]

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