- Ms. L. Meredith Moses, Goochland County Schools *
- Ms. Harwood Hall, King and Queen Schools
- Mr. Bob May, Hanover County Schools
- Dr. James Taylor, Powhatan County Schools, Chair *
- Ms. Heather Donbrosky, New Kent County Schools, Vice-Chair *
- Ms. Marchelle Hampton, Charles City County Schools
- Ms. Kathryn Ricard, City of Richmond Schools *
- Ms. Linda Hyslop, Hopewell Public Schools
- Ms. Alicia S. Atkins, Henrico County Schools
- Mr. Kenneth Pritchett, City of Petersburg Schools *
- Ms. Lisa Hudgins, Chesterfield County Schools
- Ms. Jill Andrews, Prince George County Schools
- Ms. Debbie Walwer, Colonial Heights Public Schools
- Ms. Mary Benjamin, Dinwiddie County Public Schools
* Executive Board Member
Superintendents Steering Committee

The Steering Committee comprises the Division Superintendent of each participating school district or the superintendent’s duly appointed designee.
- Mr. Jason Kamras, Superintendent of City of Richmond Schools
- Dr. Wayne Lyle, Superintendent of Prince George County Schools
- Dr. Dalphine Joppy, Superintendent of Charles City County Schools
- Dr. Melody Hackney, Superintendent of Hopewell Public Schools
- Dr. Beth Teigen, Superintendent of Powhatan County Schools, Chair
- Dr. Carol B. Carter, Superintendent of King and Queen Schools
- Dr. Amy Cashwell, Superintendent of Henrico County Schools
- Dr. Michael T. Cromartie, Superintendent of Goochland County Schools,
- Ms. Yolanda Brown, Superintendent of City of Petersburg Schools
- Dr. John Murray, Superintendent of Chesterfield County Schools
- Dr. Brian Nichols, Superintendent of New Kent County Schools, Vice-Chair
- Dr. Lisa Pennycuff, Interim Superintendent of Hanover County Schools
- Ms. Haidee Ratliff, Superintendent, Colonial Heights Public Schools
- Dr. Kari E. Weston, Dinwiddie County Public Schools
Other Regional School Board Information
- Constitution & By-Laws, and Policies
- Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes
- Operating Budget
- Approved Strategic Plan: 7/1/20-6/30/25 The Regional School Board extended this plan through June 30, 2026 on February 27, 2025 to accommodate the Director’s replacement search.