Amazing Administration and Stupendous School Support at MLWGS

Admin Dec 2024

Admin and School Support 2024

Pictured top left is the administrative team of Dr. Bob Lowerre, Dr. Lisa Williams, and Dr. Max Smith, followed by our school nurse Alisa Shapiro and our librarian Wendy DeGroat. In the lower right is the support team shown L-R, bottom row to top: Crystal ‘Chee’ Charity, Valenta Williams, Barbara Marshall, Karen Hoover, and our queen Darleen Bowman.

In our school, it’s time to recognize the contributions and show our appreciation for the people who keep things running smoothly behind the scenes. Because of their efforts, we operate so well each day.

First, let’s discuss our administrative team, which has over 80 years of combined experience in education, with 40 of those years spent at Maggie Walker. Our administrators make themselves available seven days a week to support our students, their parents, and our staff throughout the entire year. This includes attending all of our evening events at school, such as sporting events, dances, plays, concerts, and much more. It’s a significant commitment of their time!

Dr. Lowerre collaborates closely with our Regional School Board and the Virginia Department of Education. Everything that a school division implements, we also have to adopt at Maggie Walker with far fewer people and resources (it is a wonder how it can be done)! In addition to her many other responsibilities, Dr. Williams serves as our emotional support administrator, making us all feel and look better. Dr. Smith, our analyst, works wonders with spreadsheets.

The school’s nurse, Alisa Shapiro, works every day to provide holistic care to our students and staff. She coordinates annual flu and COVID vaccinations on campus for those who opt to get them. The school nurse, mindfulness teacher/librarian, and school social worker will be leading a unit in AP psychology called Mind-Body Awareness for Better Wellbeing this winter. This will be the second year facilitating this unit and it was well received by students last year. Alisa has been certified through a program called Physiology First University, which is an initiative directed at shaping the future of three key industries: Healthcare. Education. Fitness. We aim to do this by educating students and schools on skills and tools so that they can take control of their mental and physical health. This is among the most valuable resources of the 21st century.

Our support team at Maggie Walker has a combined 113 years of experience with the school. We have a deep understanding of the school’s history, dating back to the Thomas Jefferson days—just ask us! Our team works collaboratively in the following areas:

  • Ms. Karen Hoover is the school’s Business Manager and administers all of its finances, from payroll to vendor payments. Her responsibilities necessitate being on campus during the worst of weather conditions when everyone else is home making sure all get paid. 
  • Ms. Barbara Marshall works with the regional school board, the school website, human resources, various state reports, and much more. She makes sure everyone is insured, informed, trained, and recognized for their accomplishments and contributions.  She uses her keen eye for detail to always find solutions.
  • Ms. Valenta Williams is the first friendly face a visitor will often see upon entry. She is steadfastly courteous and patient and fields most of the school’s phone calls. Ms. Williams also works with our community service coordinator to manage student-recorded hours.
  • Ms. Chee Charity manages the student activity fund and oversees the collection of student fees. Her binders of records are impressive (and very big)! Chee also works with Dr. Williams on seasonal school beautification projects.
  • Ms. Darleen Bowman catalogs student attendance for state reporting. She knows all of the Dragons and has so many student photos in her office she may be out of room to add more. Many stay in touch with her even after graduation. That is one of the reasons why Darleen is the ‘Queen.’ 

Wendy DeGroat serves as the school librarian (referred to as the “resourceress”) at MLWGS. In her 17th year in this position, she offers our students a wide range of research skill development and essential tools. Five years ago, Wendy launched the One Small Step (OSS) program within the community, which has continued to grow each year. OSS is modeled after the National One Small Step program from StoryCorps. This initiative encourages individuals with differing policy views to engage in one-on-one conversations. The aim is not to debate or persuade but to understand each other as individuals. This approach is designed to help counteract the divisions often amplified by social media and news outlets. Wendy also sponsors multiple transcribe-a-thons and Open Mics throughout the academic year. And in her spare time, she is a published author and poet!

Everyone mentioned here plays a vital role in the success we achieve at Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School, and we are fortunate to benefit from their expertise.

Director’s Blog

View Sunday Evening Updates by Dr. Robert C. Lowerre for this academic year.

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