MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Budget Town Hall Reminder

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We are planning to host a Budget Town Hall meeting on 3 December 2014 from 6-7:30pm in the MLWGS auditorium.  The purpose of the meeting is to capture input from our community regarding our FY16 budget.  In response to a few questions I have received, the guidance below is offered.

When considering fiscal priorities in schools, it is helpful organize thinking in conceptual clusters.  Below are 4 such clusters that we use on a daily basis at MLWGS that have fiscal entailments.

Teaching and Learning:  The MLWGS curriculum, instruction, assessment practices, and learning experiences are progressive, rigorous, and aligned with the school’s mission.

Access to Teaching and Learning:  MLWGS provides and coordinates learning support services to meet the unique learning needs of students.

Faculty and Support Staff:  Highly qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill the roles and responsibilities necessary to accomplish the MLWGS mission.

Operational Systems:  MLWGS maintains modern facilities, services, furnishings, and equipment to provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment that is aligned with the learning needs of its students.

As you will notice, the clusters necessarily overlap and their brief descriptions are intended to be general rather than specific.  For example, the Faculty and Support Staff cluster can include competitive salary and benefits for teachers; Teaching and Learning may include instructional materials (i.e., Textbooks); and, Operating Systems may include aspects of instructional materials/technology.

If your schedule permits, please make plans to attend.  Thank you!