MLWGS Receives ROSMY Catalyst Award
Today our GSMA Club was presented ROSMY’s Catalyst Award. ROSMY (Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth) recognized our students, staff,…
Prom 2015
This past Saturday night (16th), students enjoyed an Empire State of Mind evening atop the James Center at the…
Incoming Freshman Parent Orientation, May 28th
In partnership with our PTSA and Governor’s School Foundation, Maggie Walker Governor’s School will have our “Incoming Freshman Parent Orientation” on Thursday,…
SOL Tests Begin on Monday, 18 May
Please be reminded that SOL tests begin on Monday. Check the calendar for our modified class schedule at: https://mlwgs.com/calendar/ For…
Math Modeling on WCVE
The Moody’s Mega Math Challenge team is on WCVE’s ‘Virginia Currents’ on Saturday (16th) @5:30 PM (Ch.23) and then a…
Community Service!
We have a handful of students who have not met the benchmark number of annual hours of community service. Perhaps…
Interested in Attending College in an International Setting?
To all MLWGS Sophomores and Juniors and their Parents: As you may know, Maggie Walker joined the Council of International…
Update: Academic Year 2015-2016 School Operating Calendar Proposal
The attached calendar proposal with slight changes from an earlier version, will be presented for approval to the Regional School Board May…
NOTICE: MLWGS Regional School Board May Meeting
Meeting date and time: Thursday, May 21st @ 9:00am, Room 153 (Adjunct Classroom), at MLWGS.
Royal Dragon Comes to MLWGS
Thank you VMFA for providing a permanent home to the Royal Dragon among the Green Dragons. The dragon is quite…
SCA and Class Officer Elections for 2015-16
Voting: 4pm on Thursday, April 30, to 11:59pm, Friday, May 1 Vote using your powerschool username and login. Go to:…
MLWGS (Required) Summer Reading
Just how white was that whale? You can find out this summer in Chapter 42 of Melville’s Moby Dick! Please remember…
Maggie Walker Students Place Second in National Constitutional Competition
The Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School We the People Team has placed second in the nation in The Citizen and the…
AP Exams: The Weeks of May 4th and May 12th
Morning exams convene at 8:30 a.m., and afternoon exams begin at 12:00. A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast…
Dragons Demonstrate National Supremacy (WTP and MMC)
Over the weekend, our We the People Team again made National top ten status and are competing today for the…