MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Earth Day 2015

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On this Earth Day 2015 we thought it appropriate to highlight the commitment of MLWGS, our Superintendents, and Board to energy and resource conservation.  We are scheduled soon to begin work with Siemens to optimize our energy/resource consumption.  Improvement measures include:  LED lighting retrofit, water retrofit, building automation system upgrade, plug-load management measure, vending misers, generator use, server room HVAC upgrade, installation of a solar array, and vertical wind turbine.  These measures are guaranteed to save 473,867 kWh of electric energy and 253,322 gallons of water from the start of work through the end of the first 12 month period!  Looking further into the future, over a 15 year period MLWGS will save $589,521.  It is our understanding that we are the first public school in the region to pursue such an initiative and we are proud to lead the way.
