MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Mil-wigs Update

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The MLWGS We the People team is again a state champion and as such will represent MLWGS and Virginia in the national championship later this spring.  A hearty note of congratulations is in order for sponsor Sam Ulmschneider and his cadre’ of constitutional scholars.

We are also happy to share that the MLWGS BoB Squad has won the conference and are on their way to the state championship tournament.  We are fortunate to have Hana Reed as sponsor to guide our scholars through the process of cultivating minds of encyclopedic depth and accuracy!

As you may be aware, AP Exam Registration is open.  Please know that the College Board provides assistance to families who may find themselves in need and our Foundation also generously appropriates resources for this purpose.  Our counselors stand ready help with the confidential process of securing support.

It is also pertinent to share that your gifts to our Foundation are on target with prior years.  Each of the student accomplishments above (and dozens more) are made possible by your gifts of time, talent, and treasure.  On behalf of our students and teachers, please accept my sincere gratitude for your ongoing support of our Foundation, Booster Groups, and PTSA.

Our strategic planning committee will complete its work this month.  The committee of 17 folks representing every MLWGS constituent group has been at work since August 2014.  The committee’s work will be presented to our school Board soon, followed by a Town Hall style meeting to capture your feedback.  We look forward to aligning our energy and resources in pursuit of a consensus plan that enables our school to continue its legacy of service to the region’s high ability learners and families.

Finally, please recall that our proposed FY16 Budget is posted for review on our website under the “About” and “Operating Budget” tabs.  As you know, we have had to make some difficult decisions in recent past years given fiscal constraints.  We are very happy again this year to build our budget on a proposed increase in local support (tuition) from our partners.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or to stop in for a visit.