MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Mil-wigs Update

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At Mil-wigs, things have fallen back into place perfectly following spring break.  In addition to our slate of academic courses, students in Health/PE enjoyed the weather today while practicing with a certified yogi.  Our yogi will visit twice per week this spring.  As a parent mentioned, “There is so much research supporting the positive effects of yoga and mindfulness I think it is important for students to have healthy outlets for the anxiety and stress that often comes with striving to be a “successful” teen these days.”


As you may recall, just before break our freshman class visited state government where they had the opportunity to visit the Supreme Court of Virginia, tour the Capital building, pass a bill in a simulated General Assembly session, as well as meet the Governor (below front row center).  While at the Supreme Court, students heard from The Honorable Cleo Powell, and MLWGS parents Ms. Lord and Mr. Macon via an extensive question and answer session.  The generosity these busy professionals demonstrated to our students during this 2 hour visit was remarkable and sincerely appreciated.

Capital 2015

Finally, Mr. Charles and our security team ensures that our facility is safe and that all concerned participate in regular security drills.  To this end, we participated in our regular tornado drill in late March and students handled it beautifully.
