MLWGS will be on a 2-hour delayed opening on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Stayed tuned for updates.

MLWGS conducts tornado drill

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TornadoOn Tuesday, March 26 at 9:00 am, a ‘tornado’ call went out at MLWGS and the dragons responded quickly to this drill.  Students were brought out of their classroom into hallways and away from windows, and asked to sit facing a wall with their hands over their heads. The exercise is performed annually as required by the National Weather Service and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, with Max Smith, Assistant Director, stating, “this is an opportunity for MLWGS to test our school’s emergency procedures and preparedness.” 

Virginia’s statewide tornado drill was scheduled a week earlier on 3/19/2019.  This fell during our Future Dragon Days for accepted students, hence the one week delay.  “The drill was a resounding success, with all students, faculty, and staff sheltering in the interior of the building within minutes of the announcement,” added Smith.

For emergency resources available to all Virginians visit The Virginia Department of Emergency Management suggests all Virginians be ready and have a plan for your family to act on in a moment’s notice.