MW Boys JV Soccer ends season

Good job MW Boy’s JV Soccer on their 2022 season which ended this week. JV teams are not eligible for VHSL regional or championship games. 

We hope you had a lot of fun. Soccer can help you stay healthy, meet new people, and teach you about teamwork. But soccer also takes a lot of hard work and practice.

The team was coached by Tucker Collins.

Number Name Position Year

2,7 Patrick Kemp Forward 9
3 Connor Cloe Midfield 9
4 Brodie Kirkpatrick Forward 9
5 Nayan Mehta Midfield 10
8 Richard Vinson Midfield 10
9 Zahid Bahaz Defense 9
10 Jesse Rho Keeper 9
11 Eddie Bautista Escobar Defense 9
12 Sayam Bafna Keeper 9
13 Jake Kilpatrick Forward 9
15,17 Milind Murthy Midfield 10
16 Winston Crane Forward 9
17 Shreesh Kalagi Defense 10
18 Maximilian Jimenez Midfield 9
19 Christopher Carter Midfield 9
20 Martin Gable Defense 9
22 Oliver Frankel Forward 10

Training services are provided by @vcuhealth.  

Director’s Blog

View Sunday Evening Updates by Dr. Robert C. Lowerre for this academic year.

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