MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

MW Model UN club shines at HIMUNC V

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On January 14 and 15, the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School delegation received the Best Delegation award at the 2022 Henrico Model UN Invitational, also known as HIMUNC V. The club worked very hard to prepare for this event and the results show. Listed below are all MLWGS award recipients. Our club received awards on almost every committee, including 7 out of 9 gavels:

  • Maddy Dunaway and Keira Kinnier (Nelson Award for Spirit)
  • Sonia Chornodolsky and Sayam Bafna (Nelson Award for Spirit)
  • Rehaan Jain and Nayan Mehta (Nelson Award for Spirit)
  • Sam McNamee (Verbal Commendation)
  • Aashka Shah and Bilal Ahmad (Honorable Mention)
  • Shreesh Kalagi (Honorable Mention)
  • Devesh Kumar (Honorable Mention)
  • Aditya Badhrayan (Honorable Mention)
  • Parth Tornekar and Sania Jain (Outstanding Delegate)
  • Luna Forlano and Anna Kim (Outstanding Delegate)
  • Rohini Mudinur (Outstanding Delegate)
  • Sophia Pareti (Outstanding Delegate)
  • Alan Watts and Isabella Lee (Best Delegate)
  • Ayush Patel and Amar Srinivasan (Best Delegate)
  • Annabel Tang (Best Delegate)
  • Abhay Duggirala (Best Delegate)
  • Carson Wang (Best Delegate)
  • Michael Kish (Best Delegate)
  • Timothy Porter (Best Delegate)

MLWGS Model UN is sponsored by Mr. Max Smith.  The 2021-2022 club officers are:

Presidents: Michael Kish & Abhay Duggirala

Secretaries: Mallory French & Anandita Sharma

Treasurer: Anshul Chiranth & Carson Wang