MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

MW Quiz Bowl team wins the VHSL Class 3 State Championship

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On Saturday, February 25, the Maggie Walker Quiz Bowl team consisting of Timothy Porter, Yash Saxena, Risshi Naavaal, and team captain Sam McNamee competed in the Virginia High School League Class 3 state championship. After beating Fort Defiance and York high schools, they faced their toughest competition against Cave Spring High School in their final game and were down by 50 points at the end of round 1. But by the end of the game, they had pulled off a massive comeback to win the game by 10 points, resulting in a sweep of the tournament.

Congratulations to the Quiz Bowl team on being VHSL Class 3 State Champions!

The Quiz Bowl team is coached by Adam Rotche and Drew Austen and assisted by Juanita Lasswell.