MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Senior Art Exhibition at Artworks Gallery, Friday, April 14

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Dear MLWGS Visual Art Community,

I’m writing to thank you all for your support of our visual arts program at MLWGS and share some wonderful photos from our off-campus senior art exhibition.  MLWGS is one of only two schools in the region that have off-campus student exhibitions like this as part of the capstone experience of the visual arts program.  

The exhibition brings together the four years of art instruction into an authentic and joyous learning experience for our students.  Last Friday’s opening was one of the largest we’ve ever had in my 20+ years of holding these exhibitions and I’m so proud of our talented and creative students.  A special thanks to the Visual Arts Boosters for their financial support of the exhibition.  

If you would like to see photos from the opening, please check out the Google photo album here

Jeff Hall, Fine Arts Department Chair