Members of the Class of 2025 students are now Seniors! It’s already time to think about Senior portraits, which will be taken by Lifetouch Studios/Prestige Portraits in the Auditorium on Mon-Tues, July 8-9, and on Thurs, Sept. 5. Sign up for the July sessions at (September 5th sign-ups are not available yet…coming soon). Begin by selecting our school under School Photography; there, you can sign up for a deluxe session or a basic session. All scheduling and payment is handled through that website. If you’d like to sit for more than the free senior portrait, please use the same link to schedule a studio visit.
Lifetouch/Prestige is our official school photographer, but you are NOT required to get your portrait taken with them. If you’d rather get your formal Yearbook portrait at another studio, your portraits must adhere to the following specifications:
- formal dress (tux or drape)
- “midnight blue” or other standard, dark blue or black background
- photo should be head & shoulders, w/ bottom of frame hitting mid-chest level.
Photos from other studios are due on Monday, Nov. 11. Those who miss this deadline risk exclusion from the senior section. You are responsible for making sure that we receive your portrait—if it’s from another studio. Digital images must be at least 300 dpi and can be emailed to [email protected], shared via the Google Shared Drive, or delivered on a flash drive to Mr. White. If you email or Google-share an image, please send a separate email to follow up to confirm receipt.
Please direct any questions to Yearbook Adviser Michael White at [email protected].