MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

2015-2016 Class Officer and SCA Officer Elections Are Coming!

Interested in running for student leadership office next year or are you curious about how elections occur at MLWGS.  Below is a schedule of important actions:

Beginning Wednesday, March 18: Pick up candidate forms outside Room 330.


Friday, April 3: Signature and verification forms due to Mr. White (Room 330) by 3:30pm. Candidates may begin campaigning as soon as they get their forms in: Posters must be signed by an administrator or your class sponsor BEFORE posting.


Wednesday, April 18: All speeches due to Mr. White for review by 3:30pm. Candidates may submit speeches before this date but MUST supply their email addresses with the speeches so Mr. White can let them know if their speech has been approved. All speeches will be approved or returned (in person or electronically) for editing by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 13. Candidates are not required to give speeches, but candidates who fail to comply with the procedures for speech submission, review and approval will not be permitted to speak. Maximum speech length depends on number of candidates speaking; the time limit, which will be announced, is usually 2-3 minutes.


Friday, April 20: Necessary edits must be resubmitted to Mr. White by 3:30pm, along with the candidates’ email addresses. (Approved speeches are good to go.) Mr. White will respond by email as soon as possible.


Monday, April 27 (lunch): Class officer candidate speeches. See the SCA bulletin board outside the Forum for speech lengths, which will depend on the number of candidates.

Rising Seniors/Class of 2016: Commons

Rising Juniors/Class of 2017: Gym

Rising Sophomores/Class of 2018: Auditorium


Tuesday, April 28 (lunch): SCA officer candidate speeches in the AUDITORIUM. See the SCA bulletin board outside the Forum for speech lengths, which will depend on the number of candidates.


Tues, April 28-Wed, April 29: Online voting for all positions, starting at 4pm on Tuesday and concluding at 11:59pm on Wednesday; results to be announced on Thursday, April 30. Voting instructions will be announced and posted throughout the school.


Thursday-Friday, April 30-May 1: Online run-off elections (if necessary), starting at 4pm on Thursday and concluding at 11:59pm on Friday; results announced on Monday, May 4.


Monday, May 4: Second round of online run-off elections (if needed), starting at 4pm on Monday and concluding at 11:59pm on Monday night; results announced on Tues, May 5.


Friday, May 8: Remove all campaign posters, flyers and other materials no later than 3:30pm. Candidates who fail to comply will be referred to administrators.


Director’s Blog

View Sunday Evening Updates by Dr. Robert C. Lowerre for this academic year.

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