2020 MS-ISAC “Kids Safe Online” Poster Contest

Students engraving their phone

Students engraving their phoneStudents in grades K-12 are invited to participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Kids Safe Online poster contest. The contest is sponsored by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) in conjunction with the MultiState Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC). This national contest encourages students to use the internet safely and securely. 

Educating our children about the rules of Internet safety will encourage them to make better decisions when posting pictures, videos, and personal information online.

The top five winning posters from Virginia for each grade group (K-5, 6-8 and 9-12) will be submitted to the national Multi-State Cyber Security Awareness poster contest. MS-ISAC will select 13 winners to have their artwork displayed in the 2019 National Stay Safe Online Calendar, which will be distributed throughout the country and used in campaigns to raise awareness among children of all ages about internet and computer safety. The top four submissions will also be made into posters promoting cybersecurity practices. The winning Virginia posters will be featured on our website.

The official rules, entry form and information regarding the poster topics and technical specifications can be found here: https://www.vita.virginia.gov/media/vitavirginiagov/commonwealth-security/pdf/poster-contest/2019/MS-ISAC-Poster-Contest-and-Form-2019.pdf

The deadline for poster entry forms and posters is midnight Jan. 10, 2020. Late entries will not be accepted. Winners will be notified by email. If you have questions or need assistance, please email [email protected]


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