- 4000-Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School Honor Code
- 4001-Student Transportation Services
- 4002-School Bus Safety Program
- 4005-VHSL Sport and Activity Policy
- 4005.1-Sportsmanship, Ethics, and Integrity
- 4006-Field Trips
- 4006.P-Field Trips Procedures
- 4008-Suicide Prevention
- 4008.P-Suicide Prevention Procedure for the Contact of Parents
- 4009-Drugs in School
- 4010-Substance Abuse-Student Assistance Program
- 4012-Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
- 4015-Student Fees, Fines and Charges
- 4019-Student Health Services
- 4020-Student Immunizations
- 4030-Student Organizations
- 4030-R Student Club Approval
- 4030-P-Procedures for Student Organization Activities
- 4030.1-Sororities and Fraternities
- 4031-Fund Raising and Solicitation
- 4032-Student Publications
- 4044-Parental Rights and Responsibilities
- 4045-Student Records
- 4046-Student Transcripts
- 4050-Release of Student Data-Records
- 4070-Directory Information
- 4071-School Service Provider’s Use of Student Information
- 4073-Blood Borne Contagious or Infectious Diseases
- 4073-R-Regulation Pertaining to School Attendance with Blood Borne Contagious of Infectious Diseases
- 4074-Guidelines for School Attendance for Students with HIV
- 4075-Student Wellness
- 4075-R Implementation of Wellness Program for the Students of MLWGS
- 4076-Lactation Support for Students
- 4077-Tobacco Products and Nicotine Vapor Products
- 4077-R-Regulation on Tobacco Products and Nicotine Vapor Products
- 4090-Student Athlete Concussion
- 4090-R-Guidelines for Concussion Management
- 4091-Student-Athlete Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- 4094-Anaphylaxis Policy
- 4095-Administering Medicines to Students
- 4095P-Procedures for Administration of Medications to Student
- 4096-Recommendation of Medications by School Personnel