AP Exam Registration (New Deadline and Process for 2019-2020)

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Over the past weeks, students who are enrolled in an Advanced Placement course were given a handout outlining the registration process for AP Exams, which will be administered May 4-15, 2020. College Board has instituted new practices this year which include student access to online resources and a fall registration deadline, which will move our exam payment deadline up to October 25, 2019. The cost per AP exam is unchanged at $94 per exam.

The registration process for Advanced Placement exams has been simplified this year. We have eliminated the need for a third-party registration system, and students have already begun the registration process by “joining” the correct course section at the beginning of the school year through myap.collegeboard.org and entering a unique join code for each class section.

Students will receive an AP Exam Order Form in early October, which will allow them to confirm which exams they plan to take or not take. Beginning November 15, changing the testing decision will come with a $40 add/drop fee.

AP exam fees must be paid for before we order exams. A fee waiver or reduction is available for families that meet certain guidelines but must be approved in advance. Please see your counselor by Monday, October 21 to inquire about a fee waiver or fee reduction.

In October, students/parents will follow these steps to complete the registration, payment, and confirmation process:

1) Complete the AP Exam Order Form (distributed via AP classrooms in early October).

2) Select your payment method: Check (made out to “MLWGS”), cash, or online payment at https://osp.osmsinc.com/MLWGS (convenience fee applies).

3) Turn in your AP Exam Order form the Counseling Office between 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., October 21-25. Students should attach their payment or online payment receipt to their AP Exam Order form. A member of the counseling team will review the order form and payment with each student.

Anyone who has not completed these steps by November 14 will have their exam preference changed from “yes” to “no” in the College Board system. This can be fixed within a certain time frame, but the College Board will charge an additional fee of $40.

Here are the important dates:
-September 13: All students enrolled in AP courses should have “joined” the correct course section on the College Board system at myap.collegeboard.org.
-October 15: The online payment system through the MLWGS website opens.
-October 21-25: AP Fee and Receipt Collection (11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.): All students must turn in a copy of their AP Exam Order Form with their payment (cash/check) or online payment receipt.
-Beginning October 28- November 14: A late fee of $10 per exam will be charged.
-Beginning November 15: Students who have not returned their AP Exam
-Order Form and paid will be marked as “not testing” and exams will not be ordered. At that time, the College Board will institute a $40 add/drop fee for any changes for our exam order.
-March 13: The last day College Board will allow an exam to be added, even with the extra fee.
-April 13: Last day to cancel an exam and receive a $54 refund (less the College Board $40 cancellation fee). Requests for refunds after this date will not be honored.

You should plan to take and pay for all of your AP exams unless you know that all of the colleges on your list will not take the AP credit for a particular course. You have until April 13 to make a final determination on cancelling an exam for a particular course.

If you receive accommodations for a documented disability and have not yet had them approved by College Board, the deadline to submit this paperwork for 2020 AP Exams is January 17. Contact Ms. Cobb at [email protected].

Questions? Please see Dr. Loving, AP Coordinator, in the Counseling Office or email her at [email protected].

Originally published in Smoke & Scales, September 18, 2019 issue.

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