Congratulations to the Maggie Walker Debate team for winning the state debate championship held by the Virginia Catholic Forensics League (VCFL). In the category of Public Forum Debate Anisha Sharma and Andrew Shin finished in second place and in Lincoln-Douglas debate Grady Trexler finished in 1st place and Noah Ratliff in 3rd. These individuals qualified for the national debate championship to be held over Memorial Day Weekend in Washington, D.C.
The Forensics Team also competed in the Virginia Catholic League championship this past weekend with the following results:
Emily Ma placed 6th in Original Oratory
Joseph Mistretta placed 4th in Extemp
Larry Jia placed 2nd in Extemp
Keriann Slayton placed 2nd in Declamation
Congratulations to all our competitors and to Mrs. Robinette Cross for her leadership.