District 8 Competition of National History Day sees 2 Dragons advance to State

L-R: Krajewski, Kumar, and Lichtman

Congratulations to Maggie Walker students, Jordyn Krajewski (‘23-Chesterfield), Nikki Kumar (‘22-Henrico), and Sam Lichtman (‘22-Henrico) who competed in the District 8 Competition of National History Day on February 29, 2020, at John Tyler Community College.

Sponsored by Global Studies teacher Mrs. Robinette Cross, Sam Lichtman placed third in the Senior Paper category with his paper on ‘Artistic Toleration and the Cult of Personality: Overcoming Stalin’s Impact on Society and Culture during the Khrushchev Thaw.’ Sponsored by Global Studies teacher, Dr. Christine A. Anderson, Nikki Kumar placed first in the Senior Individual Performance with her performance of ‘The Life of Maggie L. Walker,’ and Jordyn Krajewski (partnered with a student from James River High School) placed first in the Senior Group Documentary with their video, ‘I Dissent: The Story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.’ Jordyn and Nikki will advance to the state competition at the Virginia Museum of History and Culture on April 25-26, 2020.

Excellent job by our students and their teachers! 


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