Maggie Walker’s ‘We the People’ team wins its 18th state crown in the We the People civics and constitutional knowledge hearings in Williamsburg on Friday, January 29th. Run by the Center for Civic Education and James Madison’s Montpelier, this year’s competition brought together teams from across the state to focus on their understanding of the Constitution and current and past events surrounding the United States Government. Students are divided into units and prepare a four-minute presentation on their focus area then participate in simulated Congressional hearings on the topic.
Last year, two teams from Virginia attended the national finals – Maggie Walker placed second nationally while Douglas Freeman High School placed third nationally. Maggie Walker will go on to the national hearings April 29 – May 3, 2016, in Washington, DC where students will compete for their third national title (2003, 2011).
Team Sponsor and Teacher: Mr. Sam Ulmschneider
Team Members:
Jacob Adams Fionnuala Finn Matthew Ladoscsi Zoe Nelson
Zachary Bampton Sunita Ganesh John Li Reshini Premaratne
Nathan Berry Caroline Hanes Claire Mendelson Claire Schweiker
Marina Blough Elizabeth Hayes John Metz Stephen Smith
Virginia Chambers Robert Hicks Ben Milburn-Town Derrick Wang
Cecilia D’Arville Anthony Holten Tess Monks Jake Zaslav