Senior Class Meeting: Thursday, April 7, 11:10 a.m., Gymnasium (Location Change)
Senior Class Meeting: Thursday, April 7, 11:10 a.m., Gymnasium (Location Change). This is a mandatory class meeting and will be…
Awesome Trip to State Gov’t Today
Our freshman class enjoyed a wonderful trip to state government today that included an engaging talk with Senior Justice Russell,…
Alumni Showcase 2016 was a great success!
We’re happy to report that Alumni Showcase 2016 was a great success! We had just about 60 alumni from graduation…
MLWGS Junior Wins Dean’s List Award at Central VA Robotics Competition
Congratulations to Panth Doshi for winning the Dean’s List Award at the Central Virginia robotics competition before Spring Break! This…
2016 Metro Richmond STEM Results
Congratulations to MLWGS senior Camille Yoke for taking 1st place in the Earth and Space Science division at the Metro…
Do you have knowledge of voltage regulating and can help Mr. Houghton?
Mr. Houghton, who teaches Physics, would like help from someone who understands electronics and would be willing to look over…
Governor’s School Foundation Announces Staff Changes
On behalf of our Executive Officers and Board, I am happy to announce that the Governor’s School Foundation has several…
A message from the First Lady of Virginia, Mrs. Dorothy McAuliffe
Commemorating April 2016 as the Month of the Military Child
MLWGS welcomes German exchange students
When we return on April 4th, some of our students will be accompanied by a German exchange student. These students…
Best Wishes
The first 126 school days for the Dragons have been as eventful and productive as ever! Upon our return from…
Secretary Holton to Visit Robotics!
Secretary Anne Holton, MLWGS alumni parent and the Commonwealth’s Secretary of Education will visit our Robotics Team this afternoon. Best…
French Immersion Day Participation
On Saturday, March 19, Ms. Franson accompanied a team of MLWGS students to the Chesterfield French immersion day competitions (congres). …
Robotics Poised for National Qualifier This Weekend!
Following an outstanding performance in Blacksburg earlier this month, The Mech Tech Dragons did extremely well this past weekend in Asheville,…