The next scheduled meeting of the Regional School Board will be held on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 9:00 am in Room 153 (Adjunct Classroom) on the campus of the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School.
The board will recognize two presidential scholar candidates from the Class of 2025, the MLWGS We the People team for winning the Virginia Championship, and a talented Walker Junior for winning a travel scholarship to Costa Rica. Later in the meeting board members will present certificates to their National Merit Scholar Finalists.
During the meeting, the board will be asked to approve the current operating financial statements and personnel actions. Other business matters include approvals for an international trip to Belize in 2026, the AY2026 school operating calendar, textbook adoption for the next academic year, and the student fee schedule for AY2026.
Regular business will include an update from the acting director (Dr. Michael Smith) on the current strategic plan and first read for the annual authorization allowing the Acting Director to issue personnel contracts for the next fiscal year, the 2025-2026 MLWGS Foundation slate of officers, and an international trip proposal in June 2026 for Dan Brown’s military history class to multiple European countries.
The acting director will request approval for the AY2026 operating budget in this meeting. Based on the work of Dr. Lowerre who developed our proposal, Dr. Smith will be asking for an additional $619,250 in spending to cover teacher pay raises, the 1-1 laptop initiative, and facility maintenance. The proposed budget aims to implement year 2 of boosting teacher salaries to a competitive level with our partners. The public has until March 19th to comment on this proposal through a provided form or during public comments at this meeting before the board finalizes the proposal.
Finally, the RSB will discuss and implement their plan to hire a new school director.
The March meeting packet can be viewed here.
Persons unable to attend in-person but wanting to address the Regional School Board during the public comment period are invited to use this form to submit their comments by 10:00 am, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, or email their remarks to the Board Clerk.