MW Senior Taha Shaikh achieves High School Diploma and Advanced Bach Plaque with The Piano Guild

Male student

Male student

Taha Shaikh: ’19-Henrico
Attending: Virginia Tech

Congratulations Taha Shaikh for the achievement of High School Diploma in Social Music with The Piano Guild, a division of the American College of Musicians.  Less than 50 students earned this Diploma across the entire United States. These prestigious awards earn him membership in the International College of Musicians.

The Guild’s primary function is to establish definite goals and awards–in noncompetitive auditions–for students of all levels, from the earliest beginner to the gifted prodigy. With the exception of “special” programs, teachers have the flexibility to choose all repertoire for student auditions. Students are judged on individual merit, by a well-qualified music professional, in the areas of accuracy, continuity, phrasing, pedaling, dynamics, rhythm, tempo, tone, interpretation, style, and technique. The Guild’s purpose is to encourage growth and enjoyment through the study of piano.

Instructor, Barbara Muldowney of Muldowney Studio, said “Taha has achieved awards in piano on the National level. He has competed in the National Piano Guild auditions for the last 3 years. He was first awarded the High School Diploma in Social Music in May of 2017 and awarded the full Diploma in May of 2018. Wishing to further challenge himself, Taha studied for the Advanced Bach Plaque this year and was awarded this medal 2 weeks ago. He played a 15 piece program of advanced Bach pieces, memorized. The judge was so impressed with his playing, she asked him to play more when his audition ended. Taha is a very talented pianist, if he wished to major in music, he would be accepted at all the major music conservatories.” 

The Piano Guild is a rigorous test – there are only about 8 teachers in the area who even participate. Students are graded on all elements of their music.

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