New This Year: MLWGS AP Exam Order Form 2020 to be utilized by students

Students sitting on steps

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This year instead of using a third-party registration system, MLWGS will be collecting a hard copy form (see here) to order AP exams. This form is how students will officially indicate if they are testing or not testing specific Advanced Placement courses. Turn in your MLWGS AP Exam Order Form to the Counseling Office between 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., October 21st – 25th with cash/check payment or online payment receipt.

Students may also take an AP exam for a course they are not enrolled in or is not taught at MLWGS, by indicating their preference on the form. If the course is not currently being taught, there must be at least three requests for the exam to be administered and additional proctor fees (not to exceed $20) may apply.

IMPORTANT:  All students enrolled in AP courses should already be registered on the CollegeBoard website with a unique access code for each course. See Dr. Loving in the counseling office immediately if you have not completed this step.

The timeline for the next few weeks is as follows:

October 7th & 8th: AP Exam Order Forms distributed to AP testers through AP classes

October 15th: Online MLWGS payment system opens up (see “pay fees” link on school website)

October 21st-25th: Form collection/payment window (October 25th is the on-time registration deadline.)

October 26th-November 14th: A late fee of $10 per exam will apply

November 15th: Deadline for MLWGS to finalize the AP exam order for May 2020 in the College Board system

November 16th and beyond: The College Board add/drop fee of $40 will be instituted

For additional information see the MLWGS news post from September 23, 2019.



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