Ogburn to chair the MLWGS Regional School Board in 2020

Henrico students at lunch

The Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School Regional Board (RSB) elected Mrs. Michelle Ogburn, representing the Henrico School Board, as chair for 2020 at its January 16 meeting. Ogburn has served the RSB since January 2015.

Mr. John Wright, representing the Goochland County School Board, was elected vice-chair.

“I am honored to have been selected to serve as Chair of the Regional School Board,” said Ogburn. “It is gratifying to work with the dedicated MLWGS staff and such a supportive group of Superintendents and Board members.  We have a shared vision for providing the best education for a wonderfully diverse group of Central Virginia students.”

“It’s such an honor to be able to serve the regional school board in this capacity,” said Wright. “The opportunity to support the school, the board and its chair is important to me and I take the role seriously. I look forward to adding to Maggie Walker’s tremendous success in 2020.”

The Superintendent’s Steering Committee leadership for 2020 will be chaired and vice-chaired by Dr. Amy Cashwell of Henrico and Dr. Jeremy Raley of Goochland respectively.   

The RSB welcomed its newest members at this meeting; Ms. Debbie Bailey – Chesterfield Public School Board, Ms. Jill Andrews – Prince George School Board, and Mr. Royce Paige – Charles City Public School Board.

Joining Ogburn and Wright are returning school board members from participating divisions Mrs. Sarah Barber from New Kent, Mr. John Axselle from Hanover, Ms. Linda Hyslop from Hopewell, Mrs. Harwood Hall from King and Queen, Mr. Kenneth Pritchett from Petersburg, Mrs. Valarie Ayers from Powhatan, and Mr. Scott Barlow from Richmond.

Other items for discussion or action at the board’s January meeting included the code of conduct for the board and clerks, the board meeting calendar, policy proposals, and international trip proposals for Costa Rica 2021 and South Africa 2020.

Executive Board members for 2020 remain unchanged and consists of Ogburn, Wright, Pritchett, Hall, and Barber.  

The RSB also set its meeting schedule for the year. Meetings will generally be held on the third Thursday of each month on school grounds, Room 153, 9:00 am, with the exception of July, November, and December. The approved calendar can be viewed here.

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