Pilot program of ‘Grab and Go’ lunch at MLWGS, December 2019

Students eating lunch

Students eating lunchAfter evaluation of the foodservice survey that was issued earlier this year where we asked you for your feedback to improve this program, Serve1 is launching a pilot program of pre-ordered boxed lunches called “Grab and Go.” The concept should help reduce lunch lines for students allowing them more time to eat and socialize with friends.  Boxes will be labeled by name and placed in a specific area of the cafeteria that does not run through the regular line.  The pilot will run the entire month of December and will be evaluated in January.

During this pilot, only cold foods will be available for pre-order to include salads and sandwiches with sides. Attached is a form to print and complete. Submit a completed form to cafeteria personnel by 12:30 pm each Friday for lunch the following week.  Complete your order for 1-5 days and total the amount due.  Payment is due when the order is placed with acceptable payment forms of cash, debit, or MLWGS cash cards.

Use the attached order form or students can pick up extra copies to complete from Reception, Room 100. The lunch order form will also be found on the ‘Co-Curricular>Curricular and Activities Fee Payment’ page of this website.

Grab and Go lunches 12-2 through 12-6:  Order due to cafeteria by 11-26

Grab and Go lunches 12-9 through 12-13: Order due to cafeteria by 12-6

Grab and Go lunches 12-16 through 12-20: Order due to cafeteria by 12-13

Orders not picked up for any reason will be discarded and cannot be refunded or credited.

BONUS:  During this pilot, Wednesday mornings will be smoothie days.  More information coming in December.


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