MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Polarpalooza Seminar travels to Ohio State University to visit the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center

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Polarpalooza, the polar-themed senior seminar, is visiting the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at the Ohio State University on Friday, May 19.  It is one of the premiere academic centers for polar research in the U.S.  Our visit will include (but not be limited to) a tour of the ice core storage facility and the polar rock repository, a mock investigation of dust trapped in ice cores from the Tibetan Plateau, and a presentation by and discussion with a post-doc, research associate about current polar research projects. 

While at Byrd, students will meet in person Lonnie Thompson and Ellen Mosley-Thompson, who gave a May 9 presentation about ice cores to the seminar via Zoom. We will wrap up our visit to Ohio State on Friday with a tour of the geology museum located in the historic Orton Hall on Main Campus. 

The seminar will experience “Otherworld” on Friday night, “a 32,000 square foot immersive art installation, and explore over 40 scenes filled with large-scale art and mixed reality playgrounds.”  On Saturday morning, we will visit the Columbus Zoo for 2-3 hours (primarily observing polar animals in residence), before heading back to Richmond.

The Polarpalooza Seminar is taught by Ms. Lynn Reed who will be accompanied on this trip by Ms. Hana Voight, Social Studies, as chaperone.

We thank the @MLWGSFoundation for the generous financial support of this field trip.

Seniors attending this trip are:

Roman Chenoweth – Richmond

Jonas Konefal – Richmond

Ryan McAtee – Richmond

Jenna Montalbano – Prince George

Minh-Thu Nguyen – Henrico

Alex Seabury – Richmond

Lillian Shee – Henrico

Anna Yao – Chesterfield