RSVP link now open for College Jump-Start Program for Freshmen & Sophomores, June 4th

Sophomores at Pep Rally

Sophomores at Pep RallyOn Tuesday, June 4th, from 11:10 – 12:10 all freshmen and sophomores will be attending “College Jump-Start 2019” in the auditorium at Maggie Walker.  Freshmen and sophomore parents are invited to attend this event; however, parents must RSVP in advance. In addition to the freshmen and sophomore class, we can fit up to 125 parents in the auditorium. Since we have to cap the number of parents, we ask that no more than ONE parent attends per student. There will be a recorded presentation available online for anyone who cannot attend.  

For more information and to RSVP, click on the following link:

Senior counselors, Dr. Rachel Loving, and Ms. Kierstin Streitel will present on various themes related to college. Specific topics will include how to begin the college search, what colleges consider important, and what to focus on as an underclassman. The presentation will also touch on topics that students will be thinking about down the road, such as the ACT/SAT, recommendation letters, essays, etc. 

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