MLWGS Class of 2028 Orientation News

Senior Events Schedule

Senior Recognition Night

Thursday, Jun. 5, 7:00pm, Auditorium
This is the night to come together to honor the many contributions and memories of the graduating Seniors. The highlight of the evening for the students is always the Senior Slide Show, and it is a great opportunity to get a sense of what the last four years have looked like inside the school halls. Students wear professional/business attire; caps and gowns are not worn for this event.

Senior Awards Assembly
Friday, Jun. 6, 12:55pm, Auditorium
This assembly allows community organizations to distinguish senior recipients of scholarships/awards. Parents will be notified in advance if their child will be recognized.

Senior Exams

Monday-Wednesday, Jun. 9 – 11

Senior “Check Out” Forms & Senior Financial Obligations
Due Wednesday, Jun. 11
The “check out” form will be given to students after APs are over. Each student is responsible for collecting the required signatures and returning the form to the School Counseling Office by Wednesday, Jun. 11. Outstanding MLWGS obligations must be paid to Mrs. Crystal Charity in the main office prior to 3:00pm on Jun. 11.

Senior Picnic 

Thursday, Jun. 12, 12:00 – 2:00pm
The event will be held at the Carillon Shelter at Byrd Park, and students are asked to sign-up to bring desserts, drinks, paper goods, and chips. The Foundation will be providing Buzz & Ned’s Barbecue. Any parent who wishes to help serve at this event, please contact class sponsor, David Barnes, [email protected], 354-6800 ext.3060.

Baccalaureate Service

Thursday, Jun. 12, 6:30pm
The Baccalaureate Service will be held at First Presbyterian Church (4602 Cary Street Road). Sponsored by the MLWGS PTSA, the inter-faith service begins promptly at 6:30pm and will last one hour. Students are not required to attend, but this traditional and memorable event celebrates finishing one chapter in their lives and beginning the next. Information regarding line-up and parking will be included in the official invitation from the PTSA, which will arrive by mail. Seniors are reminded to bring both cap and gown for the ceremony.

Graduation Rehearsal
Friday, Jun. 13, 9:00am, Carpenter Theatre, 600 E. Grace St.
Seniors must arrive no later than 8:45am and report to Rhythm Hall (enter by the right front entrance). Rehearsal will begin at 9:00am sharp. Any student who misses rehearsal will not be permitted to walk in the actual graduation ceremony, so please be on time. Practice is usually completed by 11:30am or so; but will last as long as needed to perfect the process. Please do not plan anything that requires leaving early or being gone by a certain time.


Friday, Jun. 13, 3:00pm, Carpenter Theatre, 600 E. Grace St.
Graduates must arrive at the Rhythm Hall by 2:00pm; enter by the right front entrance.

Director’s Blog

View Sunday Evening Updates by Dr. Robert C. Lowerre for this academic year.

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