The Dragons’ Academic Quiz Bowl team 3-peats win at 2A State Championship

Academic Quiz Bowl 2019 State Champs

Academic Quiz Bowl 2019 State Champs

The 2019 Academic Quiz Bowl Team, sometimes also known as ‘BoB Squad,’ participates in local, regional, state, and national quiz bowl competitions.  Additionally, the team writes and hosts its own tournament to raise money.  From June to November, the team prepares by writing over 500 questions for GSAC (Governor’s School Academic Competition).  They then host mid-Atlantic area quiz bowl teams at the tournament in December.  Team members meet during lunch most days, and area tournaments occur throughout the year, with at least 2 tournaments per month. Virginia State Championships are in late February and National Championship tournaments occur in May and June.

Sponsored by Ms. Olga Plotnikov and assisted by Ms. Juanita Lasswell, the winning team members are Jack Honig (’20-Richmond), Jackson Lamb (’20-Chesterfield), Alex Dietrich (’20-Chesterfield), Dennis Plotnikov (’21-Chesterfield), Sonya Stacia (’21-Henrico), and Daniel Xue (’20-Chesterfield).  As all are underclassmen, the prospects for next year look outstanding!

The team has won States 9 times since 1998, including 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years.  The team also came in 2nd place 10 times since 1998.


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