Update: Health and Safety Preparations for COVID-19 at MLWGS

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Dear Dragon Nation,

We continue to monitor local, regional and national updates related to COVID-19, and continue to work on response plans that are preventative and reactive in nature. While we hope that the disease does not reach our community, we want to be prepared.

We have implemented an aggressive cleaning schedule, and are making plans to continue the teaching-and-learning process in the event that a school closure is necessary.

Based on guidance from some of our largest participating divisions, we have decided on the following update out of an abundance of caution:

School/school division trips canceled through April 13

Effective March 12, all school- and school division-supported trips (field trips, athletic trips, etc.) outside of Virginia are canceled through April 13. This includes trips to Washington, D.C. We continue to monitor areas in Northern Virginia and will adapt travel as recommended or as necessary.

Travel abroad and Spring Break

With Spring Break near, it is important for families to become familiar with guidance and travel warnings posted on the Centers for Disease Control website. If you are traveling to a country with a Level 3 Travel Health Notice, the CDC guidance states: “Travelers should stay home for 14 days after returning to the United States and practice social distancing.”

Currently, these countries are identified as Level 3: China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea. We are asking that any families traveling to these countries adhere to the CDC guidance. School principals can assist with getting work to students who are self-quarantined.

Keep your child home when sick

If your child has symptoms of illness that would prevent participation at school, then please keep your child at home and call the school to report that your child is sick. Returning to school too soon may delay recovery from illness and may potentially expose others.

  • Fever: Children should not be in school if they have a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and should stay home until the fever is gone for 24 hours without medication. During influenza season, children with a fever and other flu-like symptoms may be asked to stay home longer.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea: Children should not attend school if they are vomiting or have diarrhea. Children are asked to stay home until 24 hours after the last time they vomited or had diarrhea.


The CDC has a comprehensive website updated throughout the day with the latest news: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html. This site includes a tab for visitors to monitor travel updates.

The Virginia Department of Health has a comprehensive website that provides guidance and an updated look at case numbers: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/surveillance-and-investigation/novel-coronavirus/.

Best Wishes,
Mr. Smith
MLWGS Assistant Director

*Based on CCPS guidelines



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