Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at MLWGS, May 22nd

Students helping in a classroom. Caption reads life would be boring without service

Students helping in a classroom. Caption reads life would be boring without service

Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School will host its annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Wednesday, May 22nd at 5:00 pm in the ‘Commons’ to celebrate the efforts of our volunteers this past year at countless events and activities benefiting the students and school. The selfless efforts of our volunteers breathe life into many of the programs offered at MLWGS.

“One of the things that really helps keep Maggie Walker running is the effort of our parent and community volunteers,” said Bob Lowerre, Director.  “Our volunteers allow us to offer extra opportunities for our students that would simply not be available without their help and support.  On behalf of the entire Maggie Walker community, I offer our heartfelt thanks for all that you do!”

A special thank you goes to Mrs. Valenta Williams and the GS Foundation for coordination and sponsorship of this dinner and the invitation lists. The GS Foundation sent out over 235 invitations (a significant increase from 2018) to our volunteers, including to those who serve the PTSA, the GS Foundation, the booster groups, School Advisory Council, classroom instruction, athletics, etc., and have received approximately 60 RSVPs. Your RSVP confirmation is needed by Tuesday, May 14, so there is still time to respond to the invitation. To those who cannot attend on the 22nd, we honor your gift of time in absentia.

Our volunteers make us proud and remind us that community spirit, optimism, and a can-do attitude is a model for all.

Director’s Blog

View Sunday Evening Updates by Dr. Robert C. Lowerre for this academic year.

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