Position involves working with the drama club sponsor to direct and produce a high school musical. Casting will begin February 3, 2014 with performances March 27, 28 & 29, 2014. Responsibilities to include:
- Meet with students and drama club sponsor and select a show
- Hire and coordinate with professional staff as needed (instrumental director, vocal director, choreographer)
- Obtain scripts and other materials
- Prepare budget for show
- Schedule, prepare for and direct rehearsals
- Work with students, boosters and volunteers to design a set and oversee the construction of the set
- Work with students, boosters and volunteers to design costumes and oversee the construction of the costumes
- Work with students, boosters and volunteers on technical needs
Stipend $1622 for each production
Additional Support Provided:
- Drama Club/Drama Boosters, including students and parent volunteers
- Technical assistance for lighting and sound-Student tech team
Follow the instructions on the Working At MLWGS page, and use the Paraprofessional, Secretarial, Maintenance, Security, Trainer, and Coaching Application. Check Other and put: Director Fall Play or Spring Musical
Send a letter of interest, resume (indicate your experience in working with high school students.
Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies
1000 N. Lombardy St.
Richmond, VA 23220