Seniors: Friday’s Assembly is canceled
Unfortunately, the assembly scheduled for Friday, May 20th is canceled because the presenter has a health issue. As we brainstormed…
Polarpalooza Seminar travels to Ohio State University to visit the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center
Polarpalooza, the polar-themed senior seminar, is visiting the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at the Ohio State University on…
MLWGS junior earns 2nd place in the 7th District Congressional Art Contest
Cameron Golden (’23-Henrico) received 2nd place in this year’s 7th District Congressional Art Contest. She received the award for her…
Prom 2022 is in the books as a success!
The Junior/Senior Prom was be held on Saturday, May 14, from 8:00 – 11:00 p.m. at the Bon Secures Training…
Senior Workshop on May 20th, “Making College Lead to a Career”
On May 20, Seniors will be dismissed from class to attend a workshop on “Making College Lead to a Career,”…
Walker Way Forum Wednesday, May 18th, lunchtime in the auditorium
Dr. Lisa Williams and Ms. Lisa Ebeling have worked together all year on our Walker Way Forum speakers. They were…
MLWGS Executive School Board Meeting Thursday, May 19 @ 9:00 am
The Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School Regional Board meeting will be held on Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 9:00 am. …
Wendell Powell taking orders for the Class of 2022 group photo
Wendell Powell is currently taking orders for the Class of 2022 group photo! If you would like a copy and/or…
The Class of 2022 baby/toddler photos needed
Senior Night is Thursday, June 2. We are asking parents to send in 1-3 baby/toddler photos of your senior to…
2022-2023 Athletics
Any students planning on playing any of our FALL SPORTS for 2022-23 must have a current physical and forms dated…
Dragon submission designated Official Selection to the 2022 VHSL Film Festival
Congratulations to Carson Wang (’23-Henrico), Noah Jung (’22-Henrico), Ben Davis (’23-Richmond), Bruce Yanovitch (’23’Chesterfield), and Hutton Ward (’23-Richmond), whose narrative…
MW Quiz Bowl team competes at the VCU Season Finale Tournament and brings back the top prize
Maggie Walker Quiz Bowl sent three teams to compete in the VCU Season Finale tournament this Saturday and brought home…
Renowned scientists will be joining the Polar Seminar via Zoom on Monday, May 9
Ms. Lynn Reed, a senior seminar teacher, has invited two extraordinary guest speakers to join the Polar Seminar via Zoom…
Senior Art 5 Solo Exhibition Opening Reception Today
MLWGS students and faculty are invited to our next senior Art 5 solo exhibition of the year. Kace Stankiewicz (Chesterfield)…
MLWGS TSA Club at Technosphere State Competition, April 29-May 1
The team has been preparing for this competition for months and the results speak of their efforts. The dragons traveled…